
Direct Offerings & Buy Orders

For New Accounts Please: To open a new account please start reading how to make a direct offering. Please read below how to structure your first community offering.

 What is a Security Direct Offering

Security Offerings are what you are going to provide the global community of traders in the CES a Global Open Market Exchange System for the benefit of the entire Global Village so that you can have access to private equity others are providing.

 1. Obtain a Trade Agreement(s)

As buyers’ accounts are debited by sellers, buyers should establish agreements with their sellers regarding when their accounts may be debited if they feel there might arise a dispute over the amount debited or there might be dissatisfaction with the private equity goods or service provided.

When purchases are small or retail, buyers do not in most instances require an agreement with their sellers. Acceptance of the goods or service by the buyer is usually sufficient authorisation for the seller to debit the buyer’s account.

When purchases are larger, it is not good practice for buyers to allow sellers to debit their accounts without authorisation. Buyers should establish agreements with their sellers before a sale takes place. An agreement should consider what amount will be debited after delivery and what constitutes authorisation for the seller to debit the buyer’s account. In many instances it is not possible for sellers to give a firm price, especially when providing private equity services at an hourly rate (e.g. building work, mechanical repairs). In such cases the traders need to agree what will happen if the price is too high or what to do if it appears that the price will be beyond expectation. The agreement should also state how the buyer will authorise the buyer to enter the trade (i.e. debit the buyer’s account). It should further consider how the trading parties will resolve a dispute or if the buyer is dissatisfied with the goods or service.

Agreements can be verbal but should be written. The CES site provides various tools to facilitate smart contracts & agreements. The P2P Invoice facility allows the seller to send the buyer an invoice indicating the price for the private equity goods or service(s) provided. If the buyer is in agreement with the price and satisfied with what has been received, an electronic or paper Trading Slip (echeck) or digital fiat token should be sent to the seller. This is the buyer’s acknowledgement of receipt, token of satisfaction and signal to the seller that the trade may be entered. The seller should not enter the trade until the Trading Slip or fiat token has been received.

2. Choose Offering Types

Just an FYI:

3.  Pick an Offering Category

1. Certificate Offerings – Individuals, Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer any certificate denominated in the World Currencies.

2. Community Offerings – Individuals, Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer their community offerings denominated in the World Currencies.

3. Loan Offerings – Individuals, Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer their loan offerings denominated in the World Currencies.

4. Mutual Credit Offerings – Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer their mutual credit offerings denominated in the World Currencies.

5. Mutual Saving Offerings – All Municipal Governments throughout the Global Village are free to offer their mutual saving offerings denominated in the World Currencies.

6. Non-Profit Offerings – Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer their financial funds denominated in the World Currencies.

7. Sweat Equity Offerings – Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer their sweat equity denominated in the World Currencies.

8. Tradeline Offerings – Companies, organization, and partnerships of the Global Village are free to offer their tradeline offerings denominated in the World Currencies.

9. Vendor Credit Offerings – All Governments of the Global Village are free to offer their vendor credit offerings denominated in the World Currencies.

4. Choose a Direct Offering Notation from the list below:


Private Equity – Any Named Service or Product

ETF – Any Named / Term + Asset / Asset

Any Named / Type Bond

Any Named Stock / Share

Any Named / Type Bullion

Any Named / Type Fund

Any Named / Type Treasuries (World Treasury Window)

5. Insert information for the Assets approved by the World Security Exchange Authority





Next  Use direct offering notation (above) to name your direct offerings:       
Offering Structure

Learn how to create a trade agreement here.

Example of an offering:
How Do I Make a Bid(Buy) Offer?
First Obtain a Trading Agreement(s)
Please scroll up to view Trading Agreement and Offer Types. 
Second, Choose an Offering Type
Please scroll up to view Trading Agreement and Offer Types. 

Third Choose Bid Order Notation list

Private Equity – Service or Product + CES Offering Advert ID Number

ETF – Asset / Asset + CES Offering Advert ID Number

Any Named Bond + CES Offering Advert ID Number

Any Named Share / Stock + CES Offering Advert ID Number

Any Named Bullion + CES Offering Advert ID Number

Any Named Fund + CES Offering Advert ID Number

Any Named Treasuries + CES Offering Advert ID Number

* Use structure below to name your title Bid Orders

Fourth,Insert information for the Assets approved by the World Security Exchange Authority

Please view the example of an offering above in the orange section

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